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Raw Note

Basic set up and quick explanation on Size of Raw note.

Left to right: A5 ring binded, A5 rubber band binded, regular size (grey) ruberband binded, Personal size (A6)(brown) ruberband binded

Left to right: (all rubberband binded) A5, Regular (TN). Personal (A6 size)

A5 Ring Binded

Size of cover when folded: 18cm x 24.5cm A5

Size of inserts: A5 loose leaf.

Comes with 3 pockets on the cover.

Press to release the rings to insert papers.

Insert papers of your choice

- Plain

- Grid

- Dotted

- Line

- Weekly horizontal

- Monthly

we have 3 different types of pockets:

1. zip pocket

2. single sleeve

3. 3 compartment sleeve

Insert your pocket


Add more pages in between.

This has been a life saviour for me! I bring this our with extra inserts, along with some pens, Take out 1 sheet at a time to let your kiddo doodle while waiting for food to be served & be able to keep them back in for keepsake! The kids are loving this idea as well knowing their drawings are safe haha

On the front i keep a section for myself where i doodle notes, ideas & to-dos on the go or when at work.

Monthly Insert

Pockets on the front & back cover

A5 Rubberband Binded

Size of cover when folded: 17cm x 22cm A5

Size of inserts: A5 notebooks (muji, exercise books)

Comes with 2 rubberband to connect inserts,

Flip to the middle of your notebook/insert and insert through rubberband

Add pockets or inserts as needed

More inserts!

This insert will share a rubberband with the pocket

This insert is just A4 papers folded into half without stapler or stitching

: i do this for a quick mix of papers that i need to bring out with me

Pockets can act as a pencil case as well

Also a handy slit on the cover to keep your namecards or polaroids

Regular size Raw Note = TN size

Size of cover when folded: 12.8mm x 22cm Regular

Size of inserts: 11cm x 21cm (fits regular tn inserts)

All rubberband binded notebook works the same